Closing changes for the main European equity markets:Stoxx 600 -0.8%German DAX -0.5%France CAC -0.9%UK FTSE 100 -0.8%Spain IBEX -1.5%Italy’s FTSE MIB -0.5%On the week:Stoxx…
Silver climbs 0.80% to $30.35, outstripping concerns over U.S. inflation,…
(Reuters) – Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ:) said on Saturday that it…
The Mexican Peso picks up from lows as the US Dollar pulls following US PCE…
(Reuters) – Unifor said on Sunday that its members at Canadian National Railway (TSX:) have…
2024.12.19 2024.12.19 Walmart (WMT) Stock Forecast & Predictions for 2024, 2025, 2026–2030, 2040 and BeyondJana…
Currently the NATO target is 2% of GDP and 9 of the 32 members don’t…
In a statement released on Friday, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Beth Hammack noted…
VW managers to get 10% pay cut in plan to slash bonuses, German newspaper reports By Reuters
BERLIN (Reuters) – A reduction in managers’ bonuses at Volkswagen (ETR:) will lead to a…
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