2025.01.13 2025.01.13 Short-Term Analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 13.01.2025Roman Onegin readers,I’ve prepared a short-term forecast for Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum based on…
This Kiwi pair has formed lower highs and lower lows…
Its been a notable session of new highs and lows.…
It is said that the failure rate in the forex industry is very high, with more than…
Stock heatmap by Wed, 18 Dec 2024 14:46:03 GMTToday’s market snapshot reveals a mixed…
The Euro turns negative on the day weighed by dovish comments by ECB officials. ECB’s…
Return of NASA astronauts from space station further delayed until late March By Reuters
(Reuters) – NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore’s return to Earth will be further…
2024.12.18 2024.12.18 RBA Hits Aussie Hard. Forecast as of 18.12.2024Dmitri Demidenko’s GDP has reached its…
WTI crude oil recently busted through its descending triangle top, hinting that a rally of…
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